Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program
A Modified Business Tax Credit
A taxpayer who is required to pay a Modified Business Tax (MBT) per NRS 363A or NRS 363B may receive a credit against the MBT tax due for any donation of money made by the taxpayer to a scholarship organization.
Downloadable Links to Program Guidelines Below
Nevada AB 165 text links to the text of the NV law enabling tax credits for donations to ASK
Ask Program Guidelines links to an overview of how our Tax Credit program works
Corporate Application for Approval of Tax Credit
Complete the form below and SUBMIT it to ASK.
Ask will submit it to the NV Dept. of Taxation for approval.
The Dept. of Taxation will notify ASK with the approval Decision within 20 days.
Once notified, you will have 30 days to Remit the funds to ASK.
For more information on Modified Business Tax in Nevada and Tax Credits available,
---> Click Here to download an informational pdf about MBT credits
Thank you for your consideration